Our team got contacted the other day by Kate from the Living Beyond Suicide team at Anglicare SA.
“Living Beyond Suicide is a free program providing practical and emotional support to families and individuals bereaved though suicide.
In 2015 according to ABS statistics 236 people died by suicide in South Australia, and it is estimated that at least 10 people are directly affected by each suicide.
People bereaved through suicide are provided with the opportunity to talk with someone about their loss. Staff and specially trained volunteers can offer home visits and telephone support. The service is available from 10am to 10pm, seven days a week. Anyone in the community can contact Living Beyond Suicide directly to access support.
Living Beyond Suicide hosts the annual walk of remembrance “Walk Through the Darkness” in November. Living beyond Suicide runs training and information for community groups, workplaces and other professionals.
This vital service is funded by the Adelaide Primary Health Network – an Australian Government Initiative.”
There are three ways to access the service
call 1300 76 11 93
email: lbs@anglicaresa.com.au
Connect via Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LivingBeyondSuicide