The team over at OASIS (our Student Wellbeing partner) have a new staff member – Hannah Browne.
Hannah has joined OASIS to pilot the Global Communicators Program.
The Global Communicators Program is all about bringing domestic and international students together to build connections, share cultures and gain skills in cross cultural communication. It’s a win for both groups and we’re excited to see where this goes!
Have you spent some time travelling and are you keen to share stories about culture and life? Are you planning to study abroad or work in an International space? Remember the internal happy dance that happens when some friendly soul makes you welcome in a new space?
Consider building your skills and experiences by joining the Global Communicators Program. Hannah is looking for facilitators and participants to be part of the October pilot.
A bit about Hannah
Hannah studied International Development at Flinders and worked for ten years in education and development spaces in Australia, Tanzania and Indonesia. Some of the greatest programs she was a part of were linking people who were new to Australia with locals. These connections can be powerful game changers in the experience someone has during their time here. On the flip side, locals end up gaining so much, personally and professionally, by getting out of their comfort zone, building new skills and being enriched by new people they don’t always get the opportunity to connect with.
Keen to start something new?
Interested in other cultures?
Enjoy bringing new people together?
Partner with Hannha in shaping the new Global Communicators Program! October at OASIS.
She’s looking for Domestic and International Students to come join her.
Curious? See Hannah at OASIS (J7 on the campus map) or email
Stay tuned to the OASIS blog for more updates…..