Lauren is the Study Skills Advisor with Yunggorendi.
She’s worked in academic support for a number of years including with the Student Learning Centre.
She writes the Yunggorendi Study Skills Blog which has been going strong since January 2019. She has a PhD in creative writing, so she probably looks at my writing and thinks ‘how the hell did that guy get a PhD?!’
Whilst Yunggorendi is a service for Indigenous students, the content that Lauren creates is relevant to all students.
She covers topics like essay writing, time management, note-taking, lectures and tutorials, transition to uni and topic preparation.
She’s even prepared some guides on these that you can download:
[let me know if these links have expired]
Many of Lauren’s blog posts are accompanied by video blogs. She’s a natural in front of the camera and explains concepts in a simple and easy to understand way. I’ll admit to being a bit jealous of her comfort in front of the camera, as the second a camera points towards me I am usually found fleeing in the opposite direction.
If you are looking for further insights into the academic side of university, I strongly recommend you spend some time with her content. Her posts and videos aren’t long, but each one delves into a specific aspect of study. Combined, her posts will become a complete program for getting better at study.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students can organise to meet with Lauren in person to get help with an assignment or learn new study skills.