What are Global Conversations?
Fun informal conversation sessions led by chaplains focused on learning about each others’ cultures, improving conversation and social skills, developing cross-cultural relationships, build closer connections within the university community and becoming truly global citizens.
An opportunity to gain confidence in communicating in a safe, encouraging environment. Bring your questions and be prepared to participate, make friends and gain an understanding of other cultures.
Mutually beneficial for both domestic and international students. A great opportunity for international students to practice their English conversation skills. All are welcome to join this informal and flexible group.
What do you mean they are back?
Global Conversations have typically been held as face-to-face events at the Oasis Centre.
But we had to shut the Oasis Centre because of Coronavirus (DAMN YOU SMALL VIRUS!).
However, over the past couple of weeks we have slowly started the process of getting some of the Oasis programs online at our FLO topic – https://flo.flinders.edu.au/course/view.php?id=63157
One of the programs we are getting back online first is Global Conversations.
Global Conversations is BACK !
Have you missed connecting with your Oasis friends?
Next Tuesday (5th May) at 2pm-3pm we will be back – but differently!
Join Deb, one of the Oasis Chaplains, for an Online Global Conversation Catch-up.
Stay for the hour or drop in to say “Hi.” ALL students welcome !
Hope you can join us in Collaborate on the Oasis Online FLO page.
Sessions will repeat each week on Tuesday from 2pm-3pm