‘Take a Break’ are fun and informal conversation sessions led by an Oasis Chaplain on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
The focus is getting students together for a chat and to check in and talk about whichever topic comes up!
Great for those who are feeling a little bit socially isolated. Also a great opportunity to practice your English (if it’s your second language).
The groups are for all students. Feel free to come and go during the hour.
Every Tuesday 2pm – 3pm – hosted by Chaplain Deb – on Collaborate (accessed via Oasis Online FLO topic)
IN PERSON @ Oasis:
Every Monday 2pm – 4pm (hosted by Chaplain Deb)
Every Tuesday 10am to 12pm (hosted by Chaplain Deb)
Every Wednesday 10am – 12am – (hosted by Chaplain Deb)
Every Thursday 3.30pm to 4pm (hosted by Chaplain Toh)
More info can be found on the Events page of the Oasis Facebook page
(please feel free to come and go during the designated times, as you please, whether online or in-person)
We look forward to seeing you ☺