There are lots of factors that contribute to your overall sense of health and wellbeing. One of them is how you are doing in your studies.
I’ve just learned that undergraduate students now have free access to an excellent online tool to assist them with their learning.
It is called Studiosity (previously called YourTutor) and the service is brought to you thanks to the kind folks at the Student Learning Centre. You can find some details within FLO and on the SLSS website.
Studiosity is designed to support you with core study and writing skills.
Studiosity provides two support options that undergraduate students can access:
- You can upload up to two assignment drafts per week to Studiosity, and an English specialist (get to know some of their people here) will provide you with constructive feedback in less than 24 hours – including comments, suggestions and encouragement for how you can improve your own work.
- Studiosity live chat offers one-to-one, personal help in real-time. It is called ‘Connect Live’. Subject specialists are available from 2.30pm until 11.30pm, Sunday to Friday, to help you with your study questions. Students can utilise up to two live chats (appx 20 min each) per week.
The benefits of Studiosity include:
• Studiosity is available online 24/7, every day of the year (even during semester breaks).
• Studiosity provides students ethical, trusted help – it is not a ‘marking’ or proofreading service
• Submissions of assignments to Studiosity can be for any subject and at any stage of the draft.
A trial by Macquarie University International College (MUIC) found positive ratings of the services by students: “95% of students rated the service as being relevant and useful, 82% were satisfied with the amount of feedback, 88% felt more confident to complete their assignment, and 91% said they would like to have the service in all their units”.
Teachers also found the service useful, not because it decreased their workload, but because the quality of assignments handed up was better.
There was also evidence that it was in fact stronger students (as evidenced by GPA) that used the service, suggesting using such services is one of the tools stronger students use to stay competitive.
To access Studiosity, log in via Flinders Okta (your gateway to most of your Flinders services) – If you are an undergraduate student, you will find Studiosity as one of the options within.
In addition to these support services, also note that Studiosity provides some calendars and organisers, and study survival guides. They also have a newsletter that provides updates on the service and other useful writing related content.
In 2018, Studiosity released a report on the wellbeing of Australian students finding feelings of isolation, lack of confidence, high workload and questions about their degree choice were common experiences. At least some of these are helped by students having ‘help-on-tap’ which includes services like Studiosity.
Studiosity can also be found on social media: facebook, twitter, linkedin
Let me know if you use the service and how you find it. I’d love to feature some success stories here on the blog, in a similar way to how they do on the site.
Want to comment on this article, or ask me a question about the health and well-being services available to you as a student? Feel free to comment below, abuse me on Twitter (@FurberGareth), contact me on Skype (search for ‘eMental Health Project Officer Gareth’), or email me (