The Medical Device Partnering Program (a Flinders University initiative) is a national medical device program that helps Australian medtech companies and start-ups.
They are seeking people aged 18+ who have a diagnoses of ADHD to be part of a free event on the 22nd September at Tonsley (12,30 to 1) exploring one of their current projects, the Neurode Wave – a drug-free non-invasive alternative to helping people with ADHD.
During the event, the inventors will introduce the device with a short video presentation and then seek feedback from those in attendance. There will be pizza!
A great opportunity for any students with an ADHD diagnosis to see what kind of innovation is happening in the space.
Sydney-based Neurode are developing the Neurode Wave, a headset that improves cognitive performance, addressing the symptoms of ADHD. The Neurode Wave is a drug free treatment that uses non-invasive electrical stimulation to balance the underactivity present in ADHD brains. Using it in short daily sessions in combination with our paired app provides lasting improvements in symptoms like working memory, attention and impulse control.
To indicate your attendance, register here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/adhd-new-medical-device-focus-group-tickets-172405207617