Overview: My next Mental Fitness Workshop is on the 6th June at the Oasis Community Centre! Come along and learn about how we train our minds. Details in the post. Reading time ~ 2 minutes.
I have been thinking about the topic of Mental Fitness for quite a while now. You can see some of the history at this post.
Although ‘mental fitness’ is not a technical or clinical term, and you see it mostly within pop psychology, I believe it has value.
Its primary value comes from providing a perspective on working on our mental health that shares strong similarities with physical fitness.
Most of us understand the basic rules of building physical fitness:
- there are different physical capacities we can train (e.g. speed, strength, flexibility, endurance)
- to build those capacities requires regular training (i.e. exercise)
- as we grow those physical capacities, our physical health improves and we become more resistant to physical illness
- along with training, we need to pay attention to things like nutrition and rest
- it can be difficult to build and sustain a regular pattern of physical training
- starting slow and building up through changing our habits is the foundation of ultimately building a training program
These ideas apply really nicely to thinking about how we develop our psychological/mental health.
In the workshop, I explore these further.
I discuss the kinds of psychological capacities we should train. I talk about different ways that people train their minds. I talk about habit formation and how to get started on one’s mental fitness journey.
If this sounds interesting to you, come to my next Mental Fitness Workshop.
It is on the 6th June at the Oasis Community Centre (J7 on the campus map).
Places are limited so book yours via Eventbrite. Free. Open to staff and students.
If you attended my Mental Fitness Workshop a month or so ago, the material is very similar, so keep that in mind.
Look forward to teaching this stuff again!!
Take care
Dr G