SA Health provides a comprehensive range of services if you are facing an unplanned pregnancy. These include counselling, abortion, decision making support, sexual health and contraception information, and referrals.
Those services are spread across the metropolitan area.
Your first port of call is most likely the Pregnancy Advisory Centre (PAC) located at 21 Belmore Terrace, Woodville Park, South Australia.
Call – (08) 8243 3999 or SA Country FREECALL 1800 672 966 or email HealthPAC@sa.gov.au
Opening hours are Monday to Friday 8.00am to 4.00pm, and appointments can be made from 9.00am to 4.00pm. Call or email first to make an appointment. You do not need a doctor’s referral.
Flinders students might also find it more appropriate or convenient location-wise to contact the Family Advisory Unit at Flinders Medical Centre.
Call – (08) 8204 5197
You are not limited to these locations however. There are other services both metropolitan and regional.
For domestic students, services through the Pregnancy Advisory Centre and public hospitals are free of charge through Medicare. Make sure to take your Medicare card to any appointment.
Overseas/ international students can get these pregnancy related services, but there may be out of pocket expenses that can be covered by private health insurance and discussed with the provider. If language is a problem, confidential interpreting services are available through PAC.
As with any of these kinds of sensitive issues, Flinders students can contact the confidential counselling service within the university if you’d like to talk about the pregnancy; before, during or after your contact with SA Health pregnancy services.
Related Fact Sheets
SA Health Fact Sheet on Services for International Students
FAQ about abortion, from the SA Abortion and Support Services website