Flinders Disability and Careers Services invite you to
Pathways Beyond Uni
Wednesday 26th September
Health Science Lecture Theatre Complex 3.06-3.09
10:15– 2pm
FREE lunch
A career workshop for students who have a medical or mental health condition, or disability. Give yourself an edge when looking for employment now or after graduating.
- Graduates share their personal stories of how they have managed / are managing their condition or disability in the workforce.
- Current employers and employees offering insights and advice for employment
- Addressing Disclosure: what, when, how and why
- Career Planning- within the context of disclosure and a focus on building employability, self-marketing and maximising opportunities
Secure your spot https://careerhub.flinders.edu.au/students/events/detail/857290
Email disability@flinders.edu.au with access and/or dietary requirements.