Beyond Blue has launched its Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service


I’ve not had much of a chance to look through it in detail, but the Federal Government, knowing that people’s mental health would be affected by the Coronavirus situation, chucked a blob of money at Beyond Blue to set up a mental wellbeing support service. I’m sure it looked like this:

It launched just recently.

You can find it at

There is telephone counselling, community discussion forums and information.

They also link to other wellbeing and mental health supports.

Put simply, there is now another place to go to talk to someone if the impacts of Coronavirus are negatively impacting your mental health.

This is in addition to other Phone and Chat Services that we’ve identified in the past.

Beyond Blue have a long history of providing telephone support services. Their existing telephone, chat and email services are is still operating.

This is however an additional service being offered whilst Australians come to terms with the massive impact Coronavirus has had on our lives.


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eMental Health Resources External health and mental health services Health Information Treatment Options

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