Welcome to Oasis Online 2021


Back in 2020 when the Oasis Centre needed to close for COVID-19 (note: it is opening again this week), we spent some time building a FLO topic called Oasis Online.

The purpose was to provide some of our programs in a virtual format such as Conversation Groups and Meditation.

Fast forward to 2021 and we’ve given Oasis Online a bit of an overhaul.

In addition to providing access to some of our programs in a virtual format, we are also using Oasis Online to help guide students to the wellbeing service/program/resource that best suits their needs. Think of it as a decision making tool for working out which programs might best suit you.

It is also a place for staff to learn more about the various wellbeing activities happening around the university.

To promote the new Oasis Online, I’ve prepared the following video tour of the site.

If you are a student and are interested in what wellbeing/mental health focused services are available here at the Uni, please consider enrolling.

If you are a staff member and are interested in learning more about some of the wellbeing focused programs happening at the uni, please also consider enrolling.

If you have any questions about Oasis Online – email me – gareth.furber@flinders.edu.au

See you there! – https://flo.flinders.edu.au/course/view.php?id=63157


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Flinders services and programs Mental Health Oasis Online Well-being at Flinders

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