Shut Up and Study sessions are virtual co-working opportunities.
They were created because sometimes its nicer to study, think, read and write in the presence of others.
Because we are all located in different spaces, we can do this virtually through Collaborate.
There are now 2 types of Shut Up and Study Sessions:
Shut Up and Study Classic – These are run on Mondays (10am to 11.30am) and Thursdays (2pm to 3.30pm). They involve a 70 minute quiet work session, bookended by two 10 minute opportunities (beginning and end) for social catch up. These work best when you can attend the full 90 minutes and enjoy having a bit of a chat before and after the study period.
🎇Just recently announced🎆 Shut Up and Study Drop-ins – These are run on Tuesdays (1pm to 3.30pm) and Fridays (11am to 1.30pm) and take a ‘come and go as you please’ format. You login whenever you want, sign the guest book, work and then leave when you want. Less social but more flexible.
Why should I bother attending either of these types of sessions?
There are a number of reasons why attending a Shut Up and Study session might be good for you:
- You study entirely online, so don’t get many opportunities to interact with new people.
- You want to develop good study habits and the scheduled nature of the sessions forces you to set aside study time during the week.
- You want to meet other students or staff with a similar interest in increased productivity (particularly the case for the Classic sessions).
- You like the feeling of knowing you are working in the presence of others (much like working in the library).
- You have questions you might want to ask the session moderator (me – Gareth) – relevant to the Drop-in sessions particularly.
- Accountability to others, even in a relaxed environment like Shut Up and Study, can be a source of motivation to get your work done.
Honestly, what have you got to lose by attending a session and seeing how you find it?
When are they happening?
A complete list of dates, times and Collaborate links for all Shut Up and Study Sessions can be found at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q0BzMAIysnn2hZJcaZli0pjwcvOH-4FXCRWRkmdxolw/edit?usp=sharing
In short……………
Shut Up and Study Classic sessions happen on Mondays and Thursdays.
Shut Up and Study Drop-in sessions happen on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Sessions will run through the mid-semester break and also during exam weeks.
All you need to do is put the Google Doc link in your calendar/diary for those times that you wish to attend and then you can click straight into the room.
See you there!