Participating in research studies is one way to gain access to therapeutic programs. In this post, I share a program being offered by Orygen Digital, a leading organisation working in youth mental health. It is for young people who’ve been through depression. Reading time ~ 3 minutes.
An email came through to our counselling team notifying us of research being conducted by Orygen Digital.
Orygen, who are based in Australia, are one of the world’s leading organisations dedicated to youth mental heath.
They always have lots of studies running at any given time. Visit their ‘currently recruiting‘ page to learn more.
I’m generally a strong supporter of people engaging in therapeutic research studies. You get a chance to experience cutting edge treatments and the potential for therapeutic benefit, typically at no or very little cost.
The study that Orygen told us about in the email was the Rebound study. Here is a copy of their correspondence and their poster.
This study is exploring online assistance for young people (aged 14-27) who’ve been through depression.
To express your inteest in taking part, visit and follow the instructions.
Note: these studies have specific intake criteria, so I can’t guarantee that you’ll be accepted into the study. Nor can I guarantee that you’ll get benefit from participating. Make sure you carefully read the information provided when considering taking part in a therapeutic research study.
We wanted to let you know about Orygen Digital’s mental health technology, which is designed to help young people with their mental health.
Orygen Digital designs, delivers and evaluates evidenced-based technology for youth mental health. Our digital technology provides young people with the tools to help get them back on track with the things that matter – like friends, mental health, work and study.
Our technology offers free access to
- a judgement-free, youth-led community.
- support from a committed team of youth peer workers
- one-on-one work and study advice from an experienced career consultant
- interactive therapy based on the latest science of what works
- web chat and phone access to specialist youth mental health clinicians.
We are currently looking for volunteers aged 14-27 who can take part in research to see whether our digital technology can improve their mental health outcomes. We would love for you to share this information with your student community. I have attached a poster for you to share via email or print out and add to a noticeboard. Young people can self-refer or be referred by a clinician.
Participants will be reimbursed for time taken to attend appointments. All appointments will be conducted via telehealth.