Hello again
It’s Mental Health Week here at Flinders and I’ve got a challenge for you.
Although as I look out my window at the time of writing this, I’m not so sure today’s Keep Your Cup Full challenge is totally appropriate.
It is grey, windy and rainy outside and not quite the blissful ‘connecting with nature’ kinda day.
But I’m not going to let that stop me issuing this challenge.
Rewind Gareth, what the hell are you talking about?
Apologies. Let me set the scene.
For Mental Health Week, myself, the people at OASIS and the student-led Mad Tea Collective are challenging students to adopt mentally healthy habits as part of their everyday life.
We came up with 7 mentally healthy habits that we are releasing, 1 per day, until Sunday 21st.
Yesterday we challenged you to take up meditation.
Today we are challenging you to spend time in nature.
Now, being realistic, and how grim the weather is looking, I understand if you ‘delay’ this task until the sun comes out.
But if you love a bit of grey sky and rain, then by all means grab your raincoat or umbrella and venture into one of the many green spaces here at Flinders.
If you are at home or somewhere else, find the nearest plant, and spend a little bit of time gazing adoringly at it’s foliage.
I’ll be taking some time to admire the rustling leaves of the big tree outside my office.
Gareth, tree-hugging is not my kinda thing
Ok, I hear you.
Also happening today, you can get your Qigong and Yoga on from 12.30pm (half hour of yoga and mindfulness) and 1.00pm (Qigong). Free. Meet at the Gym. Wear pants that won’t embarrassingly split open at the first sign of a downward dog.
If today isn’t floating your boat, then tomorrow (Wednesday 17th) in the hub, there will be a “Take Care of You” expo. All sorts of stalls and activities, all focused on adding some warm fuzzy inner glow to your day. Drop by and say hello.
Take care y’all
Dr G