The Resilience Project delivers emotionally engaging programs to schools, sports clubs and businesses, providing practical, evidence-based, positive mental health strategies to build resilience and happiness.
They have delivered programs to over 500 schools around the country and worked with many elite sporting teams including the Australian cricket, netball and soccer teams, NRL and AFL clubs.
Through presentations, wellbeing journals, school curriculum, teacher diaries and their app, they seek to help all Australians become mentally healthy.
They’ve just announced their public talks for 2019. One of those talks is in Adelaide on the 28th May from 7.00pm to 8.30pm. Find out more on – https://www.ticketebo.com.au/the-resilience-project/the-resilience-project-adelaide.html. Cost is $39 for an adult, $32 for concession.
I’ve not attended any of their presentations before, so I can’t speak to the quality of their work, but the Facebook reviews seem positive – https://www.facebook.com/pg/resiliencep/reviews/
They also offer a paid mobile app that teaches you how to practice graitutude, empathy and mindfulness in your life. I hope to review that app soon.