Managing your mental health online during COVID-19


I’m going to hazard a guess that we’ll all be spending a little more time online over the next few weeks/months: study, work, entertainment, socialising, health appointments, Coronavirus news.

Why not then use the online medium to work on our mental health?

I’ve said for a while that Australia has an excellent selection of online mental health-related services and programs. Whether anyone has been listening is another question altogether!

The team at eMHPrac (from whom I get my guidance on online programs) have published a new fact sheet outlining the online services and programs and links that might be specifically beneficial for those feeling the mental crunch of social isolation and frequent hand sanitising.

If you, like the technology dextrous individual in the picture below can juggle multiple devices and screens at the same time but are feeling a little out of sorts, maybe an online mental health resource is for you.

Some are just information. Others are full-blown clinical services.

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eMental Health Resources External health and mental health services Fact Sheets Mental Health Treatment Options

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