I want to help you build a library of self-development resources to support your mental health and productivity needs. Podcasts are a great resource for ongoing learning and I have a suggestion for one that appears to have great content, if not a terrible intro. Reading time ~ 2 minutes.
I’m always on the lookout for good podcasts that teach actionable tools for improving mental health, wellbeing and productivity.
I listen to them on my morning walks and take the best ideas and try to build them into my lectures and programs (e.g. Studyology).
You can find my reading/listening/watching list here – https://blogs.flinders.edu.au/student-health-and-well-being/2022/05/18/my-wellbeing-reading-list/
A podcast that has recently pierced my consciousness is FLOW RESEARCH COLLECTIVE RADIO. I became aware of it because of seeing Steven Kotler a couple of times on YouTube talking about high performance and achieving the state of flow. The Flow Research Collective is one of his babies.
I’ve only listened to a couple of episodes, but they’ve been great. A discussion with Stephen Porges about polyvagal theory and Parneet Pal on optimising wellbeing for personal and planetary health. Two excellent guests.
A warning though if you venture into this podcast. The standard introduction in each episode is cringeworthy, at least in my opinion. It is this extreme performance, bro science, jock psychology thing that is almost comical. And I am pretty into the whole self-development, performance-psych space. My guess is it exists because the podcast is a conduit to their performance training program and I suspect that targets the high functioning corporate sector.
But don’t let the intro put you off. The guests and topics all look really good and I’m confident you’d learn some good ideas from the interviews about optimising your academic performance and personal health.
Just fast forward the first 30 seconds 😂