Evidence-based study, exam preparation and writing tips

Upgrade your study practices drawing tips from cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and education, empowering you to balance your academic workload, personal life, and well-being. Updated 10/12/24 with some additional resources links.

As a student, you know how challenging it can be to balance your academic workload, your personal life, and your well-being.

Studying effectively is not just about cramming information before exams, but also about developing habits and strategies that help you learn better and enjoy the process.

A while back I started collecting evidence-based study tips for university students. These tips are based on research from cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and education, and they cover topics such as goal setting, time management, memory, attention, motivation, and self-regulation.

These tips are now kept in the ‘Evidence-based study, exam preparation and writing tips’ document. You can find it here.

I revisit this document regularly and add new ideas, refine existing ones and upgrade it as my own knowledge of effective learning strategies increases.

It is free to download and use. I hope you find these tips useful and apply them to your own study routine. Remember that studying is not only about getting good grades, but also about developing your skills and knowledge for your future career and life.

If you think it’s useful, please consider sharing with peers.

If you need more hands-on support, connect with the crew at Student Learning Support Services.

Posted in
Academic skills

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