Studyology is a 5 x 1-hour session program that teaches you psychological techniques for tackling procrastination. It is built on the foundations on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) so you learn about that at the same time 🎉
Procrastination is one of the leading reasons why students at Flinders present to counselling services. It is a very common problem, but also one that can be addressed.
We’ve found group programs to be quite a good place to learn how to address procrastination, because you get exposed to other people struggling with the same problem and you feel less alone.
You can actually access the Studyology program on Oasis Online. We recorded some of the previous lectures and provided the materials (slides and audio homework). However we are mindful that many students like to do the program live and benefit from doing the work with other students.
Good news for those students – we are running Studyology again LIVE, starting Thursday the 19th August, 2021 from 6.30 to 7.30 in the evening (so we don’t clash with lectures, placements or your holidays!)
The dates and basic content for the 5 sessions are as follows:
19th August – psychological flexibility and the art of being present
26th August – experiential avoidance and the psychological dynamics of procrastination
2nd August – defusion, acceptance and grounding
9th September – values – why are you studying?
16th September – exposure, practice and recap
We’ll be running it via Collaborate, in the evening (6.30pm to 7.30pm), so as not to interfere with your daily schedule. Tell your friends, tell your family, tell anyone who you know who procrastinates!
To indicate your attendance, please email me (gareth.furber@flinders.edu.au) with your name, student number/FAN and use ‘Studyology RSVP’ in the subject line. Feel free to send me questions if you want to know more about the program. I’ll send out reminder emails to those who have RSVP’d closer to the start date.
To read a bit more about the program visit this blog post.
I look forward to seeing people online starting the 19th August