Flinders Speaks! – sharpen your public speaking skills

Sharpen your public speaking skills in a safe and supportive environment – no preparation required.

I work one day from the city campus. I really like it there.

It also allows me to hang out with one of our counsellors Haidee, who I wouldn’t see if I was always at Bedford Park.

We’ve been putting together a workshop on communication skills. You’ll hear about it soon here on the blog. The reason we started building it is because of the centrality of communication skills to a good study and work experience. When we can express ourselves effectively and encourage and support others to do the same, it is almost a superpower!

In putting the workshop together, I learned about Flinders Speaks! It is a collaboration between International Student Services and Toastmasters.

Are you studying at the city campus or live nearby? We have a regular session that needs no preparation but will help you practice your public speaking skills. Every Monday 11am at Flinders City Campus, a representative from Toastmasters Bedford Park Club will guide you through helpful tips and support you to be a better speaker, despite the nervousness!

It is a very supportive and safe environment. No registration required. Come and have fun 😊

Time: 19 August 2024 11:00 am – 11:45 am

Location: Flinders City Campus | Level 3 | Room 309 | Festival Tower, Station Rd, Adelaide SA 5000

You will find specific dates promoted on Events @ Flinders – https://events.flinders.edu.au/ 

If you want to build your communication skills, this might be an excellent option.

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Academic skills Events Flinders services and programs Interpersonal skills Life Skills Our Partners Participate Psychological Tools Social

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