I follow a website called Retrieval Practice which documents for students and teachers the current best evidence on how to learn/study most effectively.
This week they forwarded a list of some of their best resources.
I’ve reproduced it below.
I strongly encourage you to familiarise yourself with some of these resources.
When I was a student, I considered that the main thing I came to learn at uni was my selected topic: psychology.
But university is much more than that. It is the place where you learn ‘how to study’ as much as you learn ‘what to study’. At university, you develop the study and learning strategies that you’ll likely use throughout your career, so take the time whilst you are here to familiarise yourself with what we know about how best to learn.
Furthermore, investing in improving how you study can make your study more efficient and effective.
As far as Flinders resources go, remember that Lauren from Yunggorendi writes an excellent Study Skills Blog.
The team at the Student Learning Centre have a range of learning resources and programs.
And we publish our “Evidence-based Study Tips” guide.
Help students study smarter, not harder
Books for Students
College Smart: How to Succeed in College Using the Science of Learning
How to Learn: Effective Study and Revision Methods for Any Course
Understanding How We Learn: A Visual Guide
Make it Stick: The Science of Successful Learning
Blogs for Students
The Learning Scientists, particularly their blogs on note-taking with laptops vs. handwriting, studying while listening to music, and FAQs
Downloads for Students
What Works and What Doesn’t in Scientific American
Optimizing Learning in College: Tips From Cognitive Psychology
Videos & Podcasts for Students
Our YouTube playlist of study strategy videos
Podcast episodes by the Learning Scientists