I spend my day reading and writing about wellbeing and productivity. A lot of what I find and learn ends up here on the blog. Some of it also ends up in my own life.
But not all of it. I come across more wellbeing and productivity focused activities than I could possibly write about or experiment with in my own life.
So I thought it was about time that I set up a regular, informal, brief lecture series in which I share what I’m finding along the way.
I hope it is the beginning of a community of individuals (staff and students) at Flinders who are interested in hacking their own lives.
So I bring you the Wellbeing and Productivity Hacks Sessions (you’ll need to be logged into FLO for this link to take you to right section).
Every second Tuesday from 10.00am to 10.30am I’ll be on Collaborate sharing a new wellbeing or productivity related activity and taking questions.
All kicks off on the 5th May.
Attend live or access the recordings afterwards.
- Are you looking to enhance your productivity or wellbeing?
- Can you spare 20 minutes every couple of weeks to learn about a new activity that might help you achieve those goals?
- Are you willing to experiment with making changes to the way you live your life?
To access the live sessions or recordings, simply enrol at Oasis Online and find the Wellbeing and Productivity Hacks Module
No need to attend all of them. Just drop in when you have the chance or catch up with previous sessions via the recordings.
If you have any questions, throw them my way at gareth.furber@flinders.edu.au