Medibank wellbeing and resilience webinar for students


Given the challenging situation Australia at the moment and in parts of the world (esp. Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia), Medibank have decided to run a wellbeing and resilience webinar for students, to help them get through and find support if they need it.

The webinar will cover the following topics to help students manage their feelings and mood at this time;

  • Recognising the signs of extra stress and feeling anxious during challenging times
  • Talking about the different ways we can look after our wellbeing
  • Study tips for when you’re trying to juggle the impacts of the pandemic and studying
  • Suggested ways to talk to your loved ones about how you’re feeling
  • Recognising the signs of extra stress and feeling anxious during challenging times
  • Talking about the different ways we can look after our wellbeing
  • Study tips for when you’re trying to juggle the impacts of the pandemic and studying
  • Suggested ways to talk to your loved ones about how you’re feeling
  • Recommended places for more information and support services

This is not run by Flinders university, but is offered to students in Australia as part of the range of services that Medibank offer (e.g. overseas student health cover).

This is likely a great session for International students, who may well be feeling the challenges of living abroad during such uncertain times and worried about the wellbeing of their family and friends back home.


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