Sign up for a wellbeing/productivity program in Semester 2

Overview: Now is a good time to make a small investment in your future self and sign-up to one of our wellbeing/productivity programs in Semester 2. Currently taking registrations for Mindfulness for Academic Success, Be Well Plan and Studyology. Reading time ~ 2 minutes.

My guess is that you are focused at the moment on finishing assignments and preparing for exams.

Good choice!

But thinking ahead briefly to Semester 2, consider signing up for one of our wellbeing/productivity programs, so when you return from holidays, you can kick off Semester 2 with some personal/professional development.

The following therapeutic programs are currently taking registrations.


🧘‍♀️Mindfulness for Academic Success

What is it? – A 5-session program teaching you to use mindfulness to reduce stress, improve focus, stop procrastinating, communicate better and study more efficiently.

When is it running? – Program starting Wednesday 27th July, for five consecutive weeks, from 9-10am in the Oasis Common Room

How do I RSVP?  email for an application form

Learn more 


📃Be Well Plan

What is it? – A 5 x 2-hour program (or 1 x 6 hour) that teaches you how to develop your own mental health, wellbeing and resilience plan.

When is it running?

Option 1 ➡ Program starting Tuesday 16th August, for five consecutive weeks, from 3pm to 5pm on Collaborate (currently taking registrations)

Option 2 ➡ 1 x 6 hour session on the 21st October, starting 9am in the Oasis Common Room (or Collaborate if restrictions are in place) (currently taking registrations)

How do I RSVP? –> email and indicate which one you’d like to attend

Learn more



What is it? – A 5-session group program designed to give you the psychological tools necessary to combat common study problems like procrastination, perfectionism, low motivation and study avoidance.

When is it running?

Option 1 – 5 x 1 hour sessions on Thursdays 6.30 to 7.30pm from the 4th August to 1st September – Online in Collaborate (taking registrations now)

How do I RSVP? – email and indicate which one you’d like to attend

Learn more



A full list of Health, Counselling and Disability Services and Oasis programs and events can be found here


Posted in
Academic skills Flinders services and programs Psychological Tools Training Well-being at Flinders

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