Quick guide to wellbeing focused services, programs, facilities, resources, topics and social media

There are many wellbeing-focused services, programs, resources and media coming out of Health, Counselling and Disability Services, Oasis and our partners around the university. If you want/ need a quick overview of them, this is the post for you.

Wellbeing Initiatives from Health, Counselling and Disability Services, Oasis and our wellbeing partners

Author: Dr Gareth Furber (email me if you have questions)

Last updated: 1/3/24


✅ Services

Health Service – appointments with GPs, nurses and SA pathology

Counselling Servicesomeone to talk to about personal or academic issues

Disability Serviceadvice and support when studying with a health or mental health condition

Crisis lineout of hours support if you are feeling distressed or overwhelmed (call 1300 512 409 or text 0488 884 103)

Equal Opportunity Servicefor those who have experienced bullying, discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, victimisation

Chill and Connect with Chaplains – for discussions of spiritual health

Student Success and Wellbeing Advisors – personalised support and information to help you navigate life at Flinders


✅ Facilities

Oasis Community Centresomewhere to hang out and do cool programs, including a quiet room and kitchen facilities

Prayer roomsprayer spots for students of faith


✅ Programs/ Training

ADHD 101 Support GroupBuild strategies for common ADHD-related difficulties with the support of others

Life Hacks – practical tools, techniques and strategies, delivered in a fun and light way to improve your wellbeing and academic performance

Be Well Planan evidence-based mental health, wellbeing and resilience program

Studyologya program to help students tackle procrastination

Procrastination mailing list – insights on tackling procrastination, delivered via email 

Flinders Matesconnecting international and domestic students for cultural exchange

Midday Meditationguided meditation sessions on Wednesdays and Fridays

Mindfulness for Academic Success – learn the principles of mindfulness and how they apply to your studies

Flinders Community Market – Thursday market offering free and low-cost food to tackle food insecurity

Good Vibes Experimentstudent-led and created mental health campaign

Forest WalksGuided walks through Bedford Park’s pine forests

Conversation groupsinformal opportunities to make new friends

Oasis Volunteer programlend your support to help Oasis run its programs

Wellbeing Ambassador Programtake a leading role in developing wellbeing programs at Flinders

Mental Health First Aidlearn to help people struggling with mental illness

Consent and Respectful Relationships – Canvas module part of Flinders ongoing commitment to providing a safe and respectful learning environment for all students and staff


✅ Resources

Student Health and Wellbeing Blognews and articles on mental health and wellbeing

Self-help libraryguides on self-care and productivity

Oasis Websiteoverview of programs and services run by Oasis


✅ Social media

Oasis Facebook – All the happenings at Oasis

Oasis Instagram – Also all the happenings at Oasis but different platform 😉

Hey FlindersHints & Tips | Important Reminders | Uni News | Campus life | Support Services | Your official current student account of @flindersuniversity

Linktree – quick links to key Flinders wellbeing sites


✅ Our partners

HCDS and Oasis aren’t the only ones at Flinders with your wellbeing in mind.

Yungkurrinthisupports for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students

International Student Servicessupport for International Students

Careers and Employabilitysupports and service to help you prepare for your career

Student Learning Support Serviceone-to-one study support online or in-person, workshops and online resources to help you develop your academic skills

FUSA – Flinders University Student Associationthe on-campus student organisation that exists for the purpose of representing students’ rights and interests

Flinders University Sports and Fitnesson-campus gym, sports and wellness facilities and programs

Flinders Connectin-person, phone and online support for student related issues such as enrolment, fees, exams, graduations, and general queries

Directory of Student Support Servicesa comprehensive directory of student services


✅ Undergraduate topics you could take as electives

From the Mental Health and Wellbeing (Workplace and Community) courses:

WELL 1001 – Foundations of Mental Health and Wellbeing

WELL 1002 – Developing Your Own Mental Health and Wellbeing 

WELL 1003 – Supporting the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Others  

WELL 1004 – Leading in Mental Health and Wellbeing


✅ Online mental health services

Head to Health – a portal site linking you to many different online mental health resources


✅ Community services

Ask Izzy – a portal site linking you to many different services and programs in the community


For a detailed overview of Health, Counselling and Disability Services and Oasis, read our Service Brochure

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Flinders services and programs

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