Quick guide to wellbeing focused services, programs, facilities, resources, topics and social media

There are many wellbeing-focused services, programs, resources and media coming out of Health, Counselling and Disability Services, Oasis and our partners around the university. If you want/ need a quick overview of them, this is the post for you. If you’ve landed here from a Wellbeing Week promotion, then welcome 🙂

Wellbeing Initiatives from Health, Counselling and Disability Services, Oasis and our wellbeing partners

Author: Dr Gareth Furber (email me if you have questions)

Last updated: 25/11/24


✅ Services

â—¾ Health Service – appointments with GPs, nurses and SA pathology

â—¾ Counselling Servicesomeone to talk to about personal or academic issues

â—¾ Disability Serviceadvice and support when studying with a health or mental health condition

â—¾ Crisis lineout of hours support if you are feeling distressed or overwhelmed (call 1300 512 409 or text 0488 884 103)

â—¾ Equal Opportunity Servicefor those who have experienced bullying, discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, victimisation

â—¾ Chill and Connect with Chaplains – for discussions of spiritual health

â—¾ Student Success and Wellbeing Advisors – personalised support and information to help you navigate life at Flinders


✅ Facilities

â—¾ Oasis Community Centresomewhere to hang out and do cool programs, including a quiet room and kitchen facilities

â—¾ Prayer roomsprayer spots for students of faith


✅ Programs/ Training

â—¾ ADHD 101 Support GroupBuild strategies for common ADHD-related difficulties with the support of others

â—¾ Life Hacks – practical tools, techniques and strategies, delivered in a fun and light way to improve your wellbeing and academic performance

â—¾ Be Well Planan evidence-based mental health, wellbeing and resilience program

â—¾ Studyologya program to help students tackle procrastination

â—¾ Procrastination mailing list – insights on tackling procrastination, delivered via email 

â—¾ Flinders Matesconnecting international and domestic students for cultural exchange

â—¾ Midday Meditationguided meditation sessions on Wednesdays and Fridays

◾ Supercommunicatorsa 2-session workshop at our City campus that teaches 6 key communication skills 

â—¾ Mindfulness for Academic Success – learn the principles of mindfulness and how they apply to your studies

â—¾ Flinders Community Market – Thursday market offering free and low-cost food to tackle food insecurity

â—¾ Good Vibes Experimentstudent-led and created mental health campaign

â—¾ Forest WalksGuided walks through Bedford Park’s pine forests

â—¾ Conversation groupsinformal opportunities to make new friends

â—¾ Oasis Volunteer programlend your support to help Oasis run its programs

â—¾ Wellbeing Ambassador Programtake a leading role in developing wellbeing programs at Flinders

â—¾ Mental Health First Aidlearn to help people struggling with mental illness

â—¾ Consent and Respectful Relationships – Canvas module part of Flinders ongoing commitment to providing a safe and respectful learning environment for all students and staff

◾ Writing for Wellbeing – learn how to use different writing exercises and prompts for enhancing wellbeing


✅ Resources

â—¾ Student Health and Wellbeing Blognews and articles on mental health and wellbeing

â—¾ Self-help libraryguides on self-care and productivity

â—¾ Oasis Websiteoverview of programs and services run by Oasis


✅ Social media

â—¾ Oasis Facebook – All the happenings at Oasis

â—¾ Oasis Instagram – Also all the happenings at Oasis but different platform 😉

â—¾ Hey FlindersHints & Tips | Important Reminders | Uni News | Campus life | Support Services | Your official current student account of @flindersuniversity

â—¾ Linktree – quick links to key Flinders wellbeing sites


✅ Our partners

HCDS and Oasis aren’t the only ones at Flinders with your wellbeing in mind.

â—¾ Yungkurrinthisupports for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students

â—¾ International Student Servicessupport for International Students

â—¾ Careers and Employabilitysupports and service to help you prepare for your career

â—¾ Student Learning Support Serviceone-to-one study support online or in-person, workshops and online resources to help you develop your academic skills

â—¾ FUSA – Flinders University Student Associationthe on-campus student organisation that exists for the purpose of representing students’ rights and interests

â—¾ Flinders University Sports and Fitnesson-campus gym, sports and wellness facilities and programs

â—¾ Flinders Connectin-person, phone and online support for student related issues such as enrolment, fees, exams, graduations, and general queries

â—¾ Directory of Student Support Servicesa comprehensive directory of student services


✅ Undergraduate topics you could take as electives

From the Mental Health and Wellbeing (Workplace and Community) courses:

â—¾ WELL 1001 – Foundations of Mental Health and Wellbeing

â—¾ WELL 1002 – Developing Your Own Mental Health and Wellbeing 

â—¾ WELL 1003 – Supporting the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Others  

â—¾ WELL 1004 – Leading in Mental Health and Wellbeing


✅ Online mental health services

â—¾ Head to Health – a portal site linking you to many different online mental health resources


✅ Community services

â—¾ Ask Izzy – a portal site linking you to many different services and programs in the community


For a detailed overview of Health, Counselling and Disability Services and Oasis, read our Service Brochure

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Flinders services and programs

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