Overview – Studyology is a program for Flinders University students that teaches them psychological tools for tackling procrastination. Whilst live sessions run during the year, many students can’t attend those sessions. Thus recorded sessions are made available for students to peruse in their own time. In this post, access session 3 – Reading time ~ 2 minutes. Watching time ~ 69 minutes.
For those that don’t know, Studyology is a program for students wanting to tackle procrastination. It draws on ideas from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to help you develop ‘psychological flexibility’ which is a psychological capacity for focusing one’s efforts and attention on those tasks that matter most, even in the face of difficult thoughts, feelings, memories and sensations.
Typically, Studyology is delivered LIVE, either as face-to-face or online (C0llaborate) in 5 x 1 hour sessions.
Many students have requested that we record the sessions so they can access in their own time. You can access some old recordings via Oasis Online, but I have been working to pre-record better versions of the 5 seminars.
Newer versions of Sessions 1 and 2 are already up. Now we have Session 3 [I would recommend watching 1 and 2 before venturing into 3].
Warning, it is the longest of the sessions, clocking in at over an hour, but given we deal with some big concepts in this video (defusion, acceptance), that isn’t too surprising.
Please enjoy.
A couple of links mentioned in the video.
Dropbox folder where all the materials are hosted – https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jg2jiubrbzbby45/AAAh1cHbkP3eIS8PnU8Yf5wia?dl=0
The Calm Breathing Exercise shown in the video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNXKjGFUlMs
When the full set is complete, they will be bundled together, along with supplementary materials and posted in Oasis Online for people to access long-term.