We didn’t deliver a Be Well Plan in the Semester 1 and I am looking to rectify that this Semester. First chance to do the Be Well Plan for 2023!! This is the 5 x 2 hour version and we’ll be running it online on Thursday evenings from 6pm to 8p, over five consecutive Thursdays, starting the 3rd August.
The Be Well Plan is a mental health and wellbeing program designed to teach you what kinds of activities improve mental health and wellbeing and how to get them embedded into your everyday life.
You can read more about the program in the main Be Well Plan post.
This post is to let you know that the program is running for the first time this year!😲
The first Be Well Plan for 2023 is the 5 x 2-hour version and we’ll be running it online on Thursday evenings from 6pm to 8pm, over five consecutive Thursdays, starting the 3rd August 💻
I like evening online sessions, because we can all sit back somewhere comfy, with a beverage and some snacks and engage in some healthy self-reflection.
RSVPing is as simple as sending me an email (gareth.furber@flinders.edu.au) from your Flinders address and letting me know you’d like to take part. From there I will add you to an email distribution list and send a meeting invite so you have the relevant Microsoft Teams link to get into the sessions.
We’ve already got a bunch of people attending but there is definitely room for more. I’m keen to get a big group together for this course. Bigger groups create a better vibe when doing the program.
And, if you are thinking “I can’t attend on Thursday evenings”, you are still welcome to sign up as I will be recording the sessions, and sharing them amongst the RSVP group, so everyone can keep up with the content as we go.
Why should I do this program specifically?
We go through life acquiring knowledge and skills that we hope will help us build happy, healthy, successful, and meaningful lives.
Some of the skills are a little mundane but useful (e.g. how to iron a shirt), others are a little more profound (e.g. how to clarify one’s purpose).
The Be Well Plan teaches psychological skills/tools that can be used to manage difficult emotions, build wellbeing and resilience. We practice a few in the sessions and then in-between sessions you are encouraged to experiment with others.
Skills include things like being more self-compassionate, mindfulness, positive reframing, expressive writing and effective goal setting. You’ll be introduced to 30 in total!!
If this sounds like your jam, then sign up. It’s free to do so. In the community this program would likely cost you $$, so a great chance to do it whilst it is free to students.
Hope to see you there!