I think procrastination is a central challenge in moving meaningfully towards our goals. There are lots of great resources on the topic, one which I am currently digesting myself. Details on how to access it are in the post.
Waking Up is, in the simplest sense, a mindfulness meditation app.
But, if I am honest, I don’t really use it as a meditation app. I use it to access great short-courses and lectures on different topics: resilience, time management, attention, stoicism, doing good and lots more.
I’m currently working my way through a series called ‘Solving the Procrastination Puzzle’ by Tim Pychyl, a retired psychology professor whose research focused on understanding why we can become our own worst enemy through procrastination. He hosts an excellent website with lots of procrastination resources.
As I was working through some of the content today, I was thinking ‘wouldn’t it be great if students could access this course?’.
Then I realised, that is possible. Here’s how.
- Use my link to get 30 days free access to the Waking Up app.
- One you are in the app, navigate your way to Tim’s course. You’ll find it in the ‘life’ section
His series consists of 10 sessions, total length 2h 46m. You’d definitely have time with a month’s access to digest his course.
Whilst you are at it, explore the rest of the app and see whether you might find it a valuable addition to your mental health self-care.
If apps aren’t your thing, Tim’s book might be a good choice.