I am increasingly putting slides from my presentations here on the blog. That is so those who attend my sessions have access but also those who aren’t (but are still interested in the topic) might get some value. These slides are from two presentations given on mental health, self-care and placement, to dietetics and physiotherapy students.
Dear Physiotherapy and Dietetics students,
I’m either looking forward to or really enjoyed talking to you on “Mental Health, Self-Care, and Placement”. The content of this presentation delves into the essential interplay between mental health and self-care, especially in the context of clinical placements—a critical component of your educational journey.
The presentation covers fundamentals of mental health, highlighting its dual aspects of wellness and challenges. The presentation emphasizes self-care as a proactive approach to maintaining and enhancing mental health, offering practical strategies and tools you can incorporate into your daily routines. Additionally, the presentation also explores unique pressures and stresses placements can introduce and discuss resilience planning to navigate these challenges effectively.
The slides from this presentation are accessible here or by clicking the image below.
If you want to give feedback (anonymous) about the presentation (good or bad), you can do that here.
Not a physiotherapy or dietetics student? Didn’t attend that presentation? Still interested in self-care?
Perhaps our Self-care Mega Guide might be suitable.