Sign up forms for many of our wellbeing-focused programs in 2025

2025 is here! If you’d like to register your interest for one of our wellbeing programs in 2025, we’ve got quick links to all of the relevant sign-up forms.

Once I discovered Jotform, there was really no going back.

I’ve created Jotforms for most of my programs/initiatives, allowing you to register your interest or sign-up in under a minute.

So here they are, all in the same place, taking registrations and expressions of interest for programs and mailing lists that will be active in 2025. Once I get forms from other team members, I’ll add those as well!


🗣️🤝 Supercommunicators workshop – Are you looking to improve your communication skills and build deeper, more meaningful connections with others? Whether you want to enhance your personal relationships, succeed in group projects, or excel in professional settings, learning the art of communication is key. This workshop is led by psychologists Haidee Baker and Gareth Furber. Open to City students AND staff. Register your interest.


🧘📚 Mindfulness for Academic Success – An evidence-based program teaching you mindfulness skills and their application to improving your academic performance. Led by counsellor Chris O’Grady. Register your interest.


⏳🚀 Studyology Procrastination Program – A 5 x 75-minute session program, led by Dr Gareth Furber that teaches you psychological tools for tackling the bane of productivity: procrastination. Register your interest.


🌱🧠 Mental Health and Resilience program, The Be Well Plan – A 5 x 2-hour session program, led by Dr Gareth Furber that teaches you how to develop an evidence-based plan for your mental health drawing on a catalogue of evidence-based mental health tools. Register your interest.


📬⚡ Procrastination Mailing List – Actionable insights into how to tackle procrastination, delivered by email, every 3 weeks. Students and staff can sign-up. Sign-up.


💌🌞 Be Well Plan Mailing List – Actionable insights into mental health and the activities that support mental health, delivered by email, every 3 weeks. Students and staff can sign-up. Sign-up.


Posted in
Be Well Plan Disability News eMental Health Resources Flinders services and programs Interpersonal skills Learning Mental Health Participate Performance Psychological Tools Relationship Tools Self-care Studyology Training Treatment Options Well-being Well-being at Flinders

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