October is mental health month. Apologies. I have mentioned it before, but it warrants another mention.
Because the timing of it is quite good in terms of pushing through till the end of the year.
As you are no doubt acutely aware, assignments are due, exams are coming. The end of the academic year is always a busy time.
Thus, this is a good time to put into practice a few stress management techniques and Mental Health Month provides some ideas on what these might be.
For example, Sarah Harding from Oasis is posting daily on Facebook and Instagram on wellbeing tactics, taking inspiration from the Good Vibes Experiment. Share and interact with those posts and go into the draw to win daily and monthly prizes.
The Flinders Market in October (happens Thursdays) has a Good Vibes Experiment theme. There you can access Good Vibes materials but also Resilience Agenda Mental Fitness diaries that would make great companions over the next few months (including the holiday season). Meet with some of the Student Wellbeing Ambassadors.
Shut Up and Study Sessions are happening 4 times per week, providing dedicated times to think/work quietly in the presence of others. Great for building a strong work ethic.
Meditation sessions at Oasis are happening twice per week (Wednesday and Fridays at midday).
Mindful Yoga happens each Tuesday from 12-1 at the Oasis Community Centre.
Be Well Plan sessions continue to run until the end of the year. Pick one that suits you. There are sessions for those who’ve never done the program before and Masterclass sessions for those who have done the core program.
The basic message of Mental Health Month here at Flinders is that you can invest in your mental health without needing a big overhaul of your life. Take up one new mentally healthy habit this month and track its impact. You might be surprised just how impactful small changes can be.
That is my challenge to you. What is one small change you could make this month with your mental health in mind?
Struggling to think of ideas? I’ve mentioned them before but the Greater Good In Action Crew at Berkeley have been collecting mental health focused activities for a while now. They now have 81 practices (many of them brief and easy) that can be used to bring more positive emotion into your life. Try one of them 🙂