I like this blog.
It is a nice home for me to talk about student health and wellbeing.
However, it is not necessarily the easiest place for you as a student, to keep up with the content being added.
One option you have is to subscribe to the blog, to get new content (as well as other Health, Counselling and Disability news items) sent to your email on a fortnightly basis. This is a good option if you aren’t particularly interested in talking with other students and me about the content, but are just happy to read it in your own time.
If however you are interested in taking part in some ongoing conversations around the kinds of topics that I talk about on the blog: mental fitness, procrastination, study tips, then you might be interested in the Wellbeing for Academic Success FLO topic.
FLO (Flinders Learning Online) is where students can access most of their course materials. It is also where a number of other important student services are situated such as the Horizon Awards and the Student Learning Centre.
The Wellbeing for Academic Success topic is not graded or assessed. It is simply a place where you can go to read and talk about ways of enhancing your performance. I’m keen to get some students involved in the topic, because I can use your feedback to better target the types of wellbeing and performance enhancement techniques you are looking for.
Currently there are 3 things you can do in the topic:
- Read, discuss and post in the discussion forum. I post articles about enhancing wellbeing and performance in the forum. You can read and respond to those, or start your own topics.
- Send me a message if you have a question about the wellbeing and performance related services available to you in the university.
- Keep up with the health and wellbeing events that Health, Counselling and Disability Services and OASIS are running.
We’ll add features the site over time, hopefully starting with some Collaborate sessions on common performance enhancement techniques.
I understand it is a big ask to add another topic to your already packed lives. But you only need to drop in occasionally and sample what is available, or ask me a question.
Also, don’t be shy in being upfront if there are wellbeing or performance enhancement related resources that would be more useful to you than this topic. Feedback always welcome on gareth.furber@flinders.edu.au